About me


Mgr Jagoda Weihönig

 Certified Dental Hygienist. Graduate of Biology at the Pedagogical University in Cracow.

Since 2016, an international, certified trainer of oral hygiene iTOP (individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis - Prague, Czech Republic, 2016), in the field of individual selection of techniques and hygienic tools supporting the effects
of hygienization and prophylactic treatments.

The first and only lecturer of the iTOP concept in Poland www.itop-dental.com

Since 2019 she has run regular classes (lectures and workshops) in oral hygiene training with students of dentistry at Medical Universities (Krakow, Warsaw, Lodz, Szczecin).

(individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis - Prague, Czech Republic, 2018).

Speaker at the Congresses for Dentists - Polish Dental Association (Koszalin 2017, Polańczyk 2017, Polańczyk 2018, Kraków 2019).

She gives lectures on prevention for dentists, dental students, dental hygienists and dental assistants.

On behalf of Curaden AG, she has introduced to Poland the Bleeding on Brushing application, the BOB app, to facilitate communication with the Patient concerning oral hygiene (www.prevention-one.com)

On a daily basis she deals with professional hygiene, teeth whitening, and in particular preventive care of periodontal patients.

She conducts trainings in pro-health prevention and education of hygienic habits for pregnant women, young parents and children.

She cooperates with birthing schools and educational centres for parents. In 2016, she appeared at the nationwide congress "Conscious Mother" as a speaker in the field of pro-health oral cavity prophylaxis in children and adults.

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